We’re sure you love summertime as much as we do, with its sunny days, hot weather and greenery everywhere you look. Though it’s great to enjoy the summer months as much as possible, it’s also a good idea to get your garden ready for autumn. 
Autumn is also a lovely time of year. The colours change from green to beautiful shades of red, orange and yellow, the lower temperatures make it easier to stay in the garden for longer, and there really is nothing quite like sitting around a chiminea or fire pit with a hot chocolate when the chilly nights draw in. 
We love helping our customers to make their most of their outdoor spaces throughout the year, so here are a few ways to prepare your garden for autumn. 

Get the mower out 

As the weather becomes cooler, your lawn will grow at a slower rate (although it won’t stop growing entirely). Due to autumn often bringing more rainfall, it can be tempting to just leave the mowing until springtime. However, giving it a trim now is a great idea, as it neatens up your garden and also helps it to soak up as much sun as possible. 
It’s also a good idea to use high-quality lawn feed, as this will keep the grass strong and resilient as the weather becomes colder. If you don’t have time for this, get in touch with Right Landscaping and our gardening experts will do it for you. 

Clean up your veggies 

Your vegetable garden will have grown an awful lot during summer, so it’s now time to clear away any weeds and harvest anything that’s ready to be popped into a recipe. 

Tidy everything up 

Take the end of summer as an opportunity to clear away any debris, such as foliage, twigs, fallen fruit and so on. Aside from making your garden look its best, it also discourages diseases from attacking your plants and allows each one to access sunlight. 

Cut back your perennials 

Any herbaceous perennials in your garden will benefit from a little cutting back. Use shears or secateurs to carefully cut the stems close to the plant’s base (if there’s any new growth, cut just above it). Remove any weeds in the process and apply a light mulch to the soil to give the plant plenty of nutrients. 
This doesn’t take long but it will help your perennials to stay healthy and strong, ready for the colder months ahead. 

Wash your gardening tools 

Many people keep their garden tools outside during summer but it’s now time to give them a clean and store everything somewhere dry. This will help to keep your tools in top condition and also free up space in your garden, as you won’t be needing them quite as much during autumn. 
Alternatively, you could invest in a weatherproof garden container and place it in a convenient location. This will protect your tools whilst keeping them close at hand – the perfect combo! 

We can do all of this for you 

If you need help with your lawn or the rest of the garden, get in touch with us through our contact form and let us know how we can help. 
Tagged as: gardening advice
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